
June 27, 2018
GenreDystopian, Noir, Science Fiction
Audience Adult, New Adult, Young Adult
Format Novella
Type General Fiction
Word Count 20-40k (very short)

Editing, Production, Marketing & Sales

Workshopped with Scribophile
Edited by Katja Spindler
Cover design by De La Luz…
Published Through Amazon Createspace – KDP
Reviewed at Signal Horizon
Read a positive review
Displayed & sold at Amazon
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Reviewed on July 30, 2018

Review by Sandra Ruttan

The Rundown

Have you ever tried to quit smoking? Gone on a fad diet and cut out sugar or soda? Unsuccessfully tried to put away the leftover Halloween candy without having one more piece? Billy Stringer is a former jock and current sports reporter whose girlfriend’s brother starts him on a dangerous habit and soon he lives his life for the next fix. As he puts it, reading has opened up new worlds for him, and they are all more real than the one he inhabits.

The problem is, literature is illegal. You won’t get your hand slapped or have to pay a fine if you get caught. Those who are ‘Lit’ are being detained and executed.

In this future society “literature” has been reduced to something practical, something used in transit. The idea of literature as something that is used to transport people from place to place is symbolic and compelling in its own right, but the story doesn’t get weighed down by extensive exploration of the tech, although we start with our protagonist touring Gripping Tails, who are about to launch a new transit line.

When Billy is discovered to be ‘Lit’ his life is turned upside down. He finds himself fearing for the safety of his girlfriend and family. With counter terrorism prying into his life and a thug on his heels he tries to salvage his contribution to true literature and ensure the safety of those he loves.

The Recommendation

This is a dystopian thriller about the power of words and the worlds they can create. While a company has found a way to reduce formulaic text into a power source, the laws have evolved to ensure that anyone who harbors old literature or creates new material is put down. Non-conformity is a risk, and asking questions may cost you your life, as Billy Stringer learns. The story moves at a blistering pace and provides many surprising twists along the way, as well as some delicious prose of its own. Captivating and timely, with a perfect bittersweet ending.

The Rating Selected as a Top Pick!

Top Pick! 5 Stars (out of five): Freaking amazing. Any agent or publishing house that passed this one up made a big mistake. It was selected by our reviewer as a personal favorite. This is also a nomination for our Novel of the Year award.

The Pros & Cons

Pros: Believable, Characterization, Page Turner, Plot, Prose, Strong World-Building, Surprise Ending, Unique Style

The Comparisons

For readers who liked these books and authors: Fahreinheit 451

Author’s Summary

We don’t know exactly when Literature® takes place and we don’t know exactly where. All we know is that Philip Marlowe would fit right in.

We don’t get Marlowe though. We get Billy Stringer. And Billy is on nobody’s trail.

He’s the prey.

The day hasn’t begun very well for Billy. He just messed up his first big assignment, he’s definitely going to be late for work, his girlfriend won’t get back to him and, for reasons she has something to do with, he’s dressed like a clown.

Also, he’s pretty sure someone is going to kill him today. But then, that’s an occupational hazard, when you’re a terrorist.

He’s a bookworm too, which wouldn’t be a problem–or particularly interesting–except that in Billy’s world, fiction is banned. Reading it is what makes him an outlaw.

Why? Because people need to get to work.

It’s fight or flight time for Billy and he’s made his choice. But he has to see Jane, even if it’s for the last time–to explain it all to her, before she finds out what he has become. That means staying alive for a little while.

And the odds are against him…

Short Description

A science fiction noir that wraps the razor wit of Raymond Chandler around the extraordinary vision of Philip K Dick – Nineveh Editions.


Fahrenheit 451 but with better jokes.

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