What is a Pitch Perfect Pick?

See full issue for 2017 05-01

Since 2015, we have been selecting 1-5 submissions that pique our interest each week, and showing them off to readers and reviewers. The process was put in place to highlight authors we thought showed extra professionalism and originality. As we've grown, our Pitch Perfect program has gone through many iterations, but thanks to the hard work of Brian Braden, we have continued to look through every single submission we receive, and promote the ones that look extra worthy of a review. We put the most promising picks to a popular vote, and let our readers and the author's fans determine the final winner.

We are now scaling the Pitch Perfect Pick program back to a monthly routine, so that we have a larger pool of books to choose from. By raising the competition, we hope to raise the quality of our Pitch Perfect nominations. Starting in June, voting for new Pitch Perfect Pick nominations will open on the first of the month, and close on the last day of the month. Winners from the last month will be announced in our magazine on the first Monday of each following month.

Remember, the Pitch Perfect Pick award is not an award based on the complete content of the book. It is simply based on the pitch, premise and first few pages. We invite you, dear readers, to participate in the program by voting on books you'd be interested in reading, or books you think should be reviewed. You are NOT obliged to have read a book in order to vote on it!


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